Jennifer Mnookin named Chancellor

Mnookin brings deep experience, wide perspective Every incoming University of Wisconsin–Madison leader professes to understand the Wisconsin Idea, the guiding principle that the activities of the university should have a positive and lasting impact on …

End of Semester Safety

The days are getting warmer, and the sun is shining longer — spring is here and so is the end-of-year restlessness that can come as finals get closer. As we move into the new season, …

En Esto Juntos

Lori Reesor, vicerrectora de Asuntos Estudiantiles El otro día me di cuenta de que ha pasado un año completo desde que empezamos a llamar a la COVID-19 una pandemia en nuestro estado, empacamos nuestras cosas …

Queridos padres y familias,

Puede ser emocionante y aterrador ver a su estudiante comenzar o continuar su aventura universitaria. Este año, imagino que la emoción está un poco templada y el miedo a lo desconocido se ha incrementado un …

When Will We Get It?

Badger Family, As I sat at my computer over the last four days trying to come up with something relevant to say, to offer some sense of hope to the campus community and others that …

SOAR Updates

To protect the health and safety of you and our campus community, the SOAR program will be in an online format. We will still make sure your ​Wisconsin Experience​ starts off right! New undergraduate students …