Job Opportunities
Working part time while at UW–Madison can be an integral component of future success. Students can connect to campus and the community, meet new people, develop new skills, and gain key professional experience. Explore thousands of opportunities on campus, as well as in the surrounding Madison community, by visiting the Student Jobs platform. Positions are posted throughout the year and updated daily.
During your student’s college years, you will hear about an aspect of the university’s history that continues to guide the campus today: the Wisconsin Idea. The Wisconsin Idea charges the university to stretch beyond the borders of the campus and to share its ideas and knowledge. The Wisconsin Experience interprets that philosophy for students, encouraging them to apply learning inside and outside the classroom to make the world a better place.
Student Organizations
More than 1,000 Registered Student Organizations—spanning many areas of academic and out-of-classroom interests—are available to UW students. The Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI) is the link for students to get involved on campus and to grow their leadership potential. Students can explore all available student organizations on the Wisconsin Involvement Network website.
The Morgridge Center for Public Service connects students with local, state, and global communities through a broad spectrum of service opportunities to help students become engaged citizens. Opportunities include volunteering, service-learning courses, fellowships, internships, social entrepreneurship, advocacy, policy, philanthropy, and more. The Morgridge Center’s largest program is Badger Volunteers, with more than 1,500 volunteers each year serving once per week on a team.
Fraternities & Sororities
The Fraternity & Sorority community connects students through the ideals of leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and fellowship. More than 4,500 UW students—representing nearly 15 percent of the undergraduate community—are members of fraternities and sororities.
Multicultural Student Center
The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) provides support, advocacy and co-curricular experiences that affirm and celebrate the diverse and intersectional identities of students of color. Their spaces, programs and services are designed to cultivate a sense of belonging and community while strengthening all students’ capacities to learn, lead and thrive. The MSC and its affiliated identity centers (the APIDA [Asian Pacific Islander Desi American] Cultural Center, Black Cultural Center, and Latinx Cultural Center), host heritage month programs, discussion groups, leadership development opportunities, and other social and educational events. Located in the Red Gym next to Memorial Union, the MSC is a great place to relax, meet new friends, and find community!
Gender and Sexuality Campus Center
The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) supports LGBTQ+ students and their allies. The center offers a gathering space, support services, peer mentoring, and leadership programming, including Crossroads for QTPOC. Located in the Red Gym, the center also facilitates educational programs and trainings on identity and justice issues across campus.