As parents, you may be concerned about your college student’s finances, grades, or future career success. You may routinely talk to your student about the risks of taking on debt.
February 2020 Newsletter
Renewing our Commitments
This article was originally published on January 9, 2020 on “Blank’s Slate,” — a blog by UW–Madison Chancellor Becky Blank. It has been repurposed and edited for this audience. Welcome to 2020. A new year …
A Guide to Student Voter Registration
Please note: The following article contains information about student voting eligibility and requirements as of February 2020. There may be updates to these processes, so students should be sure to visit for the latest information. …
Black History Month: Afrofuturism
VOICES OF THE PAST. LIVING IN THE PRESENT. GUIDING OUR FUTURE. Afrofuturism is the (re)imagining of the future for Black people through various mediums such as the arts, media, and literature. While Afrofuturism’s origins stem …
Spring Break: Alternative Service Trips and Safety
Spring break (March 14–22) is fast approaching, and students are more than ready to have some fun and relaxation — although not all students jet off to the sun-soaked beaches. In fact, most students will be …
Preparing for Spring Commencement
Congratulations to the students and families who will celebrate commencement this May! We are excited to celebrate with you and reflect on all your students have accomplished during their time here. UW–Madison’s spring commencement ceremony …
Hablar sobre relaciones sanas con su hijo estudiante
por Angela Barian Como madre o padre, es posible que le preocupen las finanzas, las calificaciones o el futuro éxito profesional de su hijo universitario. Puede hablar habitualmente con su hijo estudiante sobre los riesgos …
Fourth Year: Navigating Change
Graduation is just around the corner for your senior. While moving beyond college can be a time of excitement and hope, your student is also thinking about the next step. Whether planning to get a …
Third Year: Growing as a Leader
The phrase “leaders of tomorrow” is used often in college; your student may hear it during orientation, at convocation, or during commencement ceremonies. Developing leadership skills — which are valued by society in general and employers …
Second Year: Finding Purpose
Being a sophomore offers your student an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom, exploring academic interests and identity. Research shows that many students recognize sophomore year as a key time for discovering a sense of …