Whether your student is going into their first or last year at UW–Madison, the Parent and Family Program is your resource. We recognize that parent and family support is critical to student flourishing during the college years and that your student will look to you for guidance and support along the way. This is why UW–Madison created our office, the Parent and Family Program, your central source for information.

If you receive our program newsletters and email communications, you are already a member of the program. Additional family members may sign up to be a member on our website or by contacting us. Stay connected to information and resources through our services:
- We answer hundreds of questions each year through phone, email and social media – please reach out any time.
- Our website highlights key campus information, news, frequently asked questions, and additional resources.
- The Badger Family e-newsletter showcases key transitions for students and highlights campus resources and services, as well as advice for families.
- We invite you to Family Weekend in the fall, Badger Family Spring Visit in April, and additional events throughout the year. These opportunities allow your family to enjoy time with your student on campus and in the community.
- We host the “Badger Parents and Families” Facebook group, which allows families to ask questions, share experiences, and give advice.
- Badger Family Forums occur virtually every month, and allow you to connect with campus experts and ask questions about a particular topic, like safety, finances, and study abroad.
- Parent email notices are sent in the event of a critical campus incident to inform parents and families and offer available resources.
We understand that each student’s experience is unique. We are here to personally answer your questions and help connect you to the resources your students need. Contact us by phone (1-877-262-3977), email (parent@uwmad.wisc.edu), or Facebook (search: UW–Madison Parent and Family Program).