Update On Instruction – 3.17.20

Dear parents and families, We are writing to share a message from Chancellor Blank that went to students, faculty, and staff today. In it you’ll find key updates, including an announcement that alternate delivery of classes will begin …

COVID-19 Update And Student Support – 3.13.20

This message is being translated into multiple languages and will be posted to parent.wisc.edu/parent-news. Dear parents and families, Thank you for your partnership in supporting your students as we navigate the impacts of COVID-19. We recognize …

Updates To Campus Operations – 3.11.20

Dear parents and families, I’m reaching out today to share additional action the university is taking to ensure the health of your student and support them in the successful completion of the spring semester. COVID-19 …

COVID-19 Travel Updates – 3.9.20

Badger Parents and Families – We are writing to share a message from Chancellor Blank that went to your students and our campus community this afternoon regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel. Thank you for discussing …

Family Weekend Recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Virtual Family Weekend 2020. We appreciated taking your questions, seeing your Bucky Badger drawings, and providing you with opportunities to engage with campus resources. If you were …

Free Flu Shots

Each year, the flu causes students to miss an average of five days of class, and studies have shown that flu symptoms can have a significant impact on a student’s academic progress. To help keep UW–Madison …