As the weather improves, it’s a good time to get outdoors for some fresh air and exercise. Keep these safety tips in mind:
- Wear a face covering if you’re around others, especially if you can’t maintain 6 feet of physical distance.
- If you want to be with friends, plan gatherings where it is possible to physically distance, including bonfires, picnics (do not share food), yoga, and hikes. Avoid activities where it would be difficult to physically distance, including drinking games, potlucks, and parties, and team games or sports that involve close contact.
Events update
Effective March 8, campus events may be held for up to 50 people indoors and up to 150 people outdoors. Facial coverings and maintaining physical distancing are required. No food or drinks are allowed. Only individuals who can participate in the Safer Badgers program can attend university-sponsored events; no guests or visitors are allowed. Learn more.
- The PCR test used on campus is the most specific test available for COVID-19 infection. While every diagnostic test has some false positives, individuals with a positive result must isolate to prevent the spread of illness. In response to campus feedback, University Health Services offers a process for people with concerns about their test result to request a review. In the Messages section of MyUHS, select “new message” and “COVID-19 Related Messages.” It will take 24-48 hours for a provider to review your results.
- Learn more about how to isolate/quarantine if you test positive or are exposed to COVID-19. The Dean of Students has additional information and resources available – call (608) 263-5700 or email dean@studentlife.wisc.edu.
We want to recognize and thank students for all you are doing to comply with campus health requirements and protect yourselves, your friends and the community. You are making a difference!
- If you are temporarily away from your local Madison address and unable to test, remember to fill out the off-campus exemption form or the travel form in My UW Housing.
- While the university’s progressive approach to compliance begins with reminders and early warnings, the response escalates if more tests are missed or a student displays a pattern of negative behavior.
- The availability of vaccinations for employees and students on campus continues to depend upon the amount of vaccine University Health Services receives from the state, as well as on the eligibility guidelines provided by the state and federal governments.
- UHS is contacting individuals to offer campus vaccination as eligibility guidelines expand. Please do not contact UHS; watch your wisc.edu email for updates.
- Currently vaccine is offered to those serving direct patient care roles, those with direct exposure to the virus or virus samples, and to active members of campus age 65 and older. As more vaccine becomes available, the next groups being contacted by UHS are in-person instructors (age 55 and above), preschool/child care workers, and dining/housing staff (age 55 and above).
- Learn more by attending a forum on campus vaccination at noon Thursday, March 4, or Wednesday, March 17. Captioning and interpretation will be provided; recordings will be posted on covidresponse.wisc.edu.
How to get help
- If you have a question not addressed by the FAQs, email covidresponse@vc.wisc.edu or call the UW–Madison COVID-19 Assistance Line at (608) 262-7777.
- Please continue to check the COVID-19 Response website for updates.