Along with your student, we want to welcome you to the Badger alumni family. We hope you’ll stay in touch! Below we’ve outlined ways to stay connected to the campus and community.
Visit Madison
UW–Madison offers diverse, year-round activities — whether you want to explore natural, historic, and architectural marvels or attend riveting arts performances, concerts, and athletic events. Learn more about popular destinations, landmarks, science and discovery venues, gardens and natural areas, performance and arts opportunities, and more at info.wisc.edu/destinations and madison.wisc.edu.
If you have questions about your visit, feel free to chat, call, or email the Ask Bucky information service. Staff can assist you and also refer you to programs, such as the Campus Visit Program to set up reunion visits for groups of alumni and the Speakers Bureau to request talks from UW–Madison professors and staff members if you live in Wisconsin.
Destination Madison offers a wealth of information on its website, including a robust events calendar, hotel information, restaurant recommendations, itinerary ideas, and more.
Badger Athletics
Once a Badger … always a Badger! One thing that never changes on campus is the fun and excitement of Wisconsin athletics. When you’re in town and looking for something to do, consider attending a variety of sporting events. Visit uwbadgers.com for schedules and ticket information.
Wisconsin Alumni Association
The Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA) offers the same opportunities to parents, alumni, friends, and students alike. Want to explore the world like never before? Embark on one of WAA’s international or domestic travel adventures. Interested in connecting with Badgers in your community? Get involved with your local WAA chapter. Are Badger sports your game? Take advantage of WAA’s athletic tours and pre-game BADGER HUDDLE® tailgates. You and your student can join a special community of Badgers by becoming WAA members. Visit uwalumni.com/membership for details and a special new grad rate.
UW Foundation
UW–Madison continues to be ranked as one of the world’s premier universities. Few universities offer such a broad range of schools, colleges, and departments — all on one campus. This diversity of offerings allows students to find the fields of study that best suit their strengths. But like all public universities, the UW faces budget challenges. Fortunately, alumni and parents have helped the university remain strong.
Since 1989, more than 125,000 parents have made gifts to the UW. Gifts given to the Parents’ Fund this year will support educational innovation, including important career initiatives and the development of libraries to better meet student needs. Your gift will support international study opportunities as well as much-needed improvements to the campus recreational facilities that are key to the well-being of students on campus. Some parents and families choose to designate their gifts for specific schools, colleges, and departments. To learn more and to give, visit supportuw.org/parents.
Continuing Education
Are you ready for a change? Whether you want to learn new skills, launch a new career, study on campus, or learn online, UW–Madison can help. The university offers more than 70 programs in flexible formats that fit the lives of working adults. To find out more about post-baccalaureate degrees and certificates, visit advanceyourcareer.wisc.edu or meet with an advisor who can help you with any questions you have about returning to school or changing careers.
Not ready to enroll in a post-baccalaureate program? No problem. Sign up for noncredit UW programs focused on a wide range of topics, including international languages, business or grant writing, project management, leadership, art, and music. Connect with these and other UW–Madison lifelong learning opportunities at continuingstudies.wisc.edu.
Wisconsin Union
The Wisconsin Union, known affectionately as the living room of campus, understands the pride you feel about all your student has accomplished. The Union is proud to have been the place your student has chosen to eat, study and make memories with friends.
Your graduate can make their connection permanent with the purchase of a Wisconsin Union Lifetime membership. New graduates receive a 50% discount if they purchase within a year of graduation. Providing discounts and access to all the recreation and entertainment the Union has to offer can make a great graduation gift!
Membership is something you can share with your student too. Learn more.