Diplomas are mailed approximately four weeks after your student’s school/college has notified the Office of the Registrar that they have completed all their degree requirements.
Diplomas are not mailed to students who still have certain types of holds on their academic record. Once the hold is resolved by the student and cleared from their record, the diploma will be automatically ordered. Students will not need to update the Office of the Registrar that the hold has been cleared.
For questions about diplomas and degree-certification letters, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
Diploma mailing address
Diplomas are mailed to the Home address listed in Student Center. If students want their diploma mailed to a different address, they should add a Diploma address in Student Center.
To receive their diploma, international students are required to add a Diploma address in Student Center. The Diploma address can be the same as their home address, but some address needs to be listed in Student Center with an address type of “Diploma” in order for a diploma order to be placed for international students.
Students will receive an embossed red diploma cover as part of their school/college/department’s commencement event. The Office of the Registrar has diploma covers available for students who are unable to participate in regular commencement events.
Certified electronic diplomas
Some students may have a need for a PDF version of their diploma to include with materials for employers, agencies, licensing boards, educational institutions, etc. Please read about certified electronic diplomas at registrar.wisc.edu/cediploma.