Each year, the flu causes students to miss an average of five days of class, and studies have shown that flu symptoms can have a significant impact on a student’s academic progress. To help keep UW–Madison …
Virtual 2020 Winter Commencement
2020 Winter Commencement will be held virtually on Sunday, December 13 for all fall graduates. The continuing public health crisis has limited our ability to hold in person events such as commencement. While it is …
Ask an Advisor: Spring Enrollment
Although spring seems far away, enrolling for spring classes is just around the corner. With more than 4,000 classes to choose from, this can be an overwhelming process for students. Advising offices will be flooded …
First Year: Offering Support
The transition from high school to college is an important milestone in the life of your student. While every student is different, feelings of nervousness, excitement, pressure, and success are quite common. Below we provide …
Second Year: Beating the Sophomore Slump
It’s often called the “sophomore slump” — a time when students lose momentum and motivation. But just as every student doesn’t have to gain the “freshman 15,” not every second-year student has to lose progress …
Third Year: Reflections and Transitions
Students can see the finish line. But they’re not there yet. During junior year, students can reflect on what they’ve already accomplished while looking ahead to life after graduation. It’s an exciting time, but also …
Fourth Year: Looking Back, Moving Forward
For many students, the thought of finishing college can be as stressful as starting. As a parent or family member, remind your student that it helps to concentrate on the big picture and acknowledge what …
Second Year: Transitioning to Junior Year
The best advice often comes from our students. Below are some suggestions and tips based on reflections of current students. While every student’s transition is unique, it can be helpful to talk with your student …
Fourth Year: Connecting the Dots
Senior year is a time for a lot of excitement and reflection. Students should feel proud of the journey they’ve taken — from filling out college applications in high school to approaching graduation and a …
Third Year: Balancing Fun and Future
For students, junior year is all about finding balance between academics and out-of-classroom experiences. Studying abroad, taking a spring break trip, participating in a campus group, attending events, having an internship, doing research — any …