COVID-19 Weekly Update #12

Vaccination FAQ

Effective Monday, more students and employees became eligible for vaccination under state guidelines. Adding to the groups already able to make vaccine appointments throughout the state are people with certain medical conditions that increase their risks of severe illness from COVID-19.

So far, UHS has not received enough vaccine each week to vaccinate every eligible employee and student. This week, for example, UHS received just 600 first doses of vaccine. For that reason, UW–Madison encourages all eligible employees and students interested in vaccination to seek appointments both on and off campus.

Learn more about what to expect when being vaccinated.

When am I eligible to be vaccinated in Wisconsin?

• See who’s currently eligible

• On May 1, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services expects to open eligibility to all people age 16 and over

I‘m eligible – why can’t I get an appointment right away?

Although vaccine supplies are improving, they remain limited – please be patient. Some providers may be able to start vaccinating your eligibility category earlier than others. Everyone will eventually have the opportunity to get vaccinated. You can register with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) to be offered an appointment off campus when one is available.

Is there a charge to be vaccinated?

No, the vaccine is free and any offers to get the vaccine will come from known sources such as your local or tribal health department, health care provider, pharmacy, or a community-based clinic. You should not accept offers for vaccine from an unknown source as these are likely fraud.

Some vaccinators may ask you to provide prescription insurance information (such as a prescription card) so they can bill your insurance an administration fee. This will not cost you anything.

Where can I get vaccinated?

Assuming supply is available, you can get vaccinated by the following entities. Find a provider near you. For vaccine-related questions and support with DHS registration, call (844) 684-1064.

  • University Health Services: UW–Madison employees and students can make appointments through the MyUHS portal. In addition to the regularly scheduled vaccination clinics, UHS will host special early and late clinic hours for 2nd and 3rd shift employees on April 1 and April 2 as an additional resource for these workers; language support will be provided.
  • Your local health department: Public Health Madison & Dane County is collecting vaccine sign-up information through the DHS sign up form. Vaccines are given at the Alliant Energy Center by appointment only. Transportation is available for those who need it – more information about this service is provided when an appointment is made.
  • Community-based vaccination clinics: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is operating community clinics in La Crosse, Racine and Rock counties with more coming soon. Any eligible Wisconsin resident can be vaccinated at these sites, though keep in mind wherever you get your first dose, you will need to get your second dose there too.

If I am getting a two-dose vaccine, should I get both doses from the same provider?

Yes. If you sign up for a first dose from a vaccine provider, they will guarantee your second dose. You should schedule your second dose appointment either when you make your appointment for your first dose or while you are there for your first dose appointment. If you are unsure, check with the vaccine provider.

I am unable to get my second dose from the original provider – what should I do?

As much as possible, you should try to ensure you can receive your first and second doses from the same provider. You should follow local vaccination policies wherever you are. If you get your first dose and then travel, be sure to bring your vaccination record with you. This will help your vaccine clinic know which product you will need for the second dose and when. When you set up your second dose appointment, be sure to ask if the vaccination clinic will be able to give you the same product that you got for your first dose.

How do I prove I am eligible? What documentation is required?

Check with the vaccine provider about any documentation requirements. If you are unable to provide the required documentation, the provider may ask you to sign a form to attest you are telling the truth about your eligibility.

Does citizenship status affect where I can be vaccinated?

No, President Joe Biden has stated that all people in the U.S. – regardless of their immigration status – can access the vaccine. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also supports vaccine access for undocumented immigrants. Wisconsin vaccinators may not require proof of residency or state identification to get the vaccine. If you are part of a group that is currently eligible, you can get the vaccine.

If I get vaccinated off campus, how do I let UHS know?

Sharing your vaccination record with UHS allows you to be excused from routine COVID testing and your Badger Badge to remain green/building access granted.

Once you have received both doses of a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) or a one-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson):

  • Find your vaccination record in the Wisconsin Immunization Registry or the vaccine registry of the state where you were vaccinated
  • Select “print” and save your record as a PDF
  • Log in to MyUHS
  • On the bottom left side of the page, click on Immunization Upload
  • Upload your immunization record

It can take up to five business days for the record to be reflected in your MyUHS account.

How do I get my official vaccination record so I can provide proof of vaccination for travel?

You will receive a vaccination card at your appointment. Your vaccination card has information on when and where you received your vaccine as well as other helpful information related to the COVID-19 vaccine such as the type that you received. Keep your card in a safe place. You may also visit the Wisconsin Immunization Registry for an electronic version. When taking pictures or posting selfies about getting your COVID-19 vaccine, do not post photos of your vaccination card online. Doing so could reveal your personal health information.

I’m having trouble locating my vaccination record in WIR. Who can help?

If you received your vaccination in Wisconsin and cannot find the record in WIR, contact the WIR Help Desk at (608) 266-9691 or email

Testing site changes

Because a growing number of employees and students are vaccinated and no longer need to test regularly, campus is able to reduce the number of testing sites while still providing sufficient access.

The following sites will shut down at the end of the day on April 1; nearby sites are listed as alternates:

• Health Sciences Learning Center (Alternate site: Nielsen Tennis Stadium)

• Carson Gulley Center (Alternate site: Dejope Residence Hall)

• Helen C. White (Alternate site: Pyle Center)

All other sites will remain open, with their same operating hours. Remember to check wait times at testing sites using the Safer Badgers app before heading out the door.

Testing sites will remain open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Easter weekend, April 2-4. Employees and students should continue to test on their regular schedule.

Travel updates

• Changes have been made to UW–Madison sponsored travel for employees, graduate students, and undergraduates participating in in-person research or instructional field activities as well as registered student organizations (RSOs). For employees, graduate students, and undergraduates participating in in-person research or instructional field activities, the key change is that single day trips using ground transportation outside of Wisconsin do not require prior approval. For RSOs, travel overnight or outside Dane County now requires prior approval from the Center for Leadership & Involvement.

• A reminder that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend against travel; if you must travel, learn how to reduce your risk.

How to get help

• If you have a question not addressed by the FAQs, email or call the UW–Madison COVID-19 Assistance Line at (608) 262-7777.

• Please continue to check the COVID-19 Response website for updates.

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