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Dear parents and families,
Thank you for your partnership in supporting your students as we navigate the impacts of COVID-19. We recognize that these are hard decisions, and your students may experience a range of responses and feelings. Please know that we are here to support them, and you, while we prioritize the health and safety of our community. Read a message of support that went to your students today from Vice Chancellor Lori Reesor.
As you know, Chancellor Blank’s Wednesday parent message shared key information regarding campus operations. A message was also sent this afternoon announcing a confirmed employee case on campus. University officials are cooperating fully with Public Health Madison & Dane County and other public health officials to ensure the health and safety of students and employees.
Thank you for discussing the additional updates below with your student.
Both undergraduate and graduate students must be ready to resume their studies on March 23. At that time, the UW will begin to provide classes through alternate delivery. More information will be provided to students by their instructors.
Students who do not have online access at their permanent home may stay on campus to ensure they will be able to participate in classes. Undergraduates who live in the residence halls should submit a COVID-19 accommodation request with University Housing to arrange this.
More detailed information on instruction, research, events, travel, employment, and other topics is available on the COVID-19 website; please check it regularly for updates.
Study abroad
In alignment with messaging from Chancellor Blank and in an effort to limit risk associated with the worldwide spread of COVID-19, UW-Madison has suspended all spring semester programming and recalling all students from overseas. Our priority remains the well-being of our students.
International students
The move to online instruction will not impact student visa status. International Student Services is communicating with your students and posting frequent updates to their website.
We strongly recommend your student postpone or cancel any nonessential travel to areas with community transmission of coronavirus. This includes both international travel to Level 2 and 3 countries with widespread illness and domestic travel to states with community transmission. If they do travel to one of these locations, they will need to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days upon return to Madison.
If your student needs to remain in their residence hall during the period of remote instruction, they must submit an accommodation request to Housing. If they live off campus, remember that their lease is a legally binding contract. They may remain in Madison, but should work directly with their leasing office, landlord, or property manager for any off-campus housing questions.
Financial matters
Decisions regarding Housing and Dining credits will not be finalized until the full impact of COVID-19 is known. For students in need of immediate financial assistance or with other financial questions, please contact Financial Aid at or (608) 262-3060.
If your student is experiencing financial hardship or difficulty meeting basic needs, there are a number of resources on the COVID-19 FAQ page (“Financial Matters”) that will continue to be updated.
Safety and well-being
We know this is a difficult and uncertain time. The health, safety, and well-being of our students is very important to us. If your student is feeling anxious, needs assistance, or simply has a question, please encourage them to reach out to University Health Services, Dean of Students Office, or International Student Services.
Additional information
Please visit our website at for the latest updates and email us at if you have further questions. We will continue to share important updates as they become available.
In partnership,
Stephanie Benson-Gonzales
Parent and Family Program