Gathering Limits And Testing – 11.20.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families, Below is a message that your students received today from Jake Baggott, Executive Director of University Health Services, on gathering limits and testing availability. As cases continue to increase rapidly …

Thanksgiving Travel Q&A – 11.16.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families, As a follow-up to the message we sent last week, below is a Thanksgiving travel Q&A with Dr. Patrick Kelly, interim director of medical services and Dr. Sarah Nolan, director of mental …

Strategies for Well-Being and Connection

How do we support and affirm our students as they process all that has happened this year – from racial injustice to a global pandemic? How do students find community in a COVID-19 environment, whether they live at home or on campus? Campus experts share guidance and strategies on this critical topic.

Spring Semester – 10.21.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families, We are writing to share a message that was just sent to your students regarding spring semester updates. Please let us know if you have any questions. Kind regards, Stephanie …

Thanksgiving And Beyond – 10.12.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families, We are writing to share a message that was just sent to all undergraduate students by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor. University Housing residents also received this message, and separate guidance …

Phased Reopening – 9.23.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families, We are writing to share a message that was sent to your students and the campus community this morning. Sellery and Witte residents also received this message, and all other University Housing …