University Communications shares a collection of moments on grand stages and in quiet corners, in classrooms and across campus, each capturing one moment in time.
Annie Doman
A Better FAFSA
The FAFSA is getting a makeover with the hopes of making it even easier for students and their families to submit. Not only will there be fewer questions on the FAFSA to answer, and fewer …
Building Badger Futures: Career Services at UW-Madison
Join us on Friday, November 3 at noon CDT for a Badger Family Forum that overviews career services on campus. Our panelists will discuss campus resources, career exploration, job search strategies, and more.
A look back at Latinx Heritage Month
This year’s Latinx Heritage Month reflected on the connected yet distinct Latinx customs and traditions that have been transplanted across multiple generations and through many spaces. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, Latinx students, staff and organizations shared their heritage with campus through educational and hands-on events.
Planning for Winter Commencement 2023
Winter Commencement is just two months away and we are excited to celebrate your graduates on Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 10 a.m.
A New Way to Serve Students in Need
Looking for a way to help students finish the semester successfully? Know of a student who has a current need? UW–Madison’s Basic Needs Team within Office of Student Financial Aid partners with Purposity to bridge …
La búsqueda de alojamiento para estudiantes para 2024-25 ha comenzado
Cómo pueden ayudar las familias de UW–Madison El campus ya está lleno de perspectivas para encontrar alojamiento para el próximo año y, ya sea que su estudiante regrese a las residencias universitarias o se aventure …
UW–Madison大家庭如何伸出援手 校内寻找下一学年住宿的大潮已开启,无论您的学生返校续住还是离校自住,目前的UW Housing住宿生必须在以下时间内完成“意向通知”:10月18日至25日。使用My UW Housing即可完成。 我们明白,快速转变可能会让学生不知所措,尤其是对第一学期的学生。我们已与UW–Madison校外住宿服务(Off-Campus Housing Services)和Campus and Visitor Relations合作,征集相关建议,助力您的学生寻找住宿。 University Housing续住 虽然无法保证学生在第一年后能够继续获得校内住宿,但目前的住宿生可作为二年级或更高年级的学生申请续住。如果选择续住,University Housing将于10月30日通过电子邮件发送确认信息。我们将在邮件中告知有关选择宿舍、房间和室友的后续步骤。 请前往University Housing YouTube频道或Facebook页面,加入10月17日的直播活动,并关注#LiveWithBucky,获取续住流程的详情。 离校自住 如何开始 考虑住宿之前,我们鼓励您与学生讨论住宿的需求和期望。一般首先考虑每月预算。您因此可制定财务计划,还可让您的学生获悉离校自住需承担的各种开支,例如租金、押金、水电气费、租房保险、停车费及宠物、日常生活、家具和家用品等方面的支出。想知道学生助学金如何用于离校自住? 请联系学生资助办公室(Office of Student Financial Aid)。 实地看房 学生找到喜欢的住宿后,我们极力建议签约前安排实地看房。学生可借此好机会获取有关租金、押金、租约和设施的信息。虽然您可能无法陪同看房,但家人可帮助学生构思看房中要提出的一系列问题。 问题可能是: 租金涵盖哪些服务或设施(例如煤气、电力、停车和家具)? 建筑或单元楼包括哪些安保措施? 我应该联系哪家公司使用水电气? 租户需如何爱护住房? 例如,您的学生是否需要清除人行道上的积雪或结冰? 如何提出维修请求? …
A message from Chancellor Mnookin on the tragic events in Israel and the Palestinian Territories
The following message was emailed from Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin to all students, faculty and staff on Oct. 11, 2023.
The 2024–25 Student Housing Search Has Begun
Campus is already buzzing with the prospect of finding next year’s housing, and whether your student will return to the residence halls or venture off campus, current UW Housing residents must complete their “Notice of …