Health and Safety: Less-Common Topics

When UW–Madison asks Badger parents what concerns them the most when they send their students off to college, health and safety issues understandably top the list. And when people think about these aspects on a …

A Day in the Lives of Academic Advisors

The message to parents has been loud and clear since day one at SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration): “Make sure your student meets with an academic advisor.” But since students meet with their advisors …

Navigating the Job Hunt

Note: This article was originally published in The Weekly, a newsletter for UW–Madison students. It has been edited slightly for a new audience. Whether students are looking at full-time jobs for after graduation or just trying …

Making the Most of Summer Term

Bruce Allison (center), an adjunct professor of forest and wildlife ecology, works with students on a summer day to electronically measure a tree’s density and detect decay. (Photo: Bryce Richter/UW–Madison) While some students are content …

One Text Away

Parents and students are in closer contact than ever, and that bond has changed the college experience. Note: The following is a short excerpt from the cover story of the On Wisconsin alumni magazine’s fall issue. To …

Not Your Old-School Library

As libraries shift more and more books from physical shelves to online repositories in our increasingly digital world, what’s left behind? Space. But not to worry: campus libraries know exactly what to do with their …