
Students have many options for their living arrangements, both on and off campus. It is important that students and families understand these options when making informed housing decisions. The information below highlights the benefits of living in University Housing and the factors to consider when selecting an off-campus apartment or house.

Families help their students move into the residents halls.

Other Housing Options

Off-Campus Housing Services

Off-Campus Housing Services is a resource within University Housing to help students and families navigate the housing search. The service is designed to provide students with the resources to make informed decisions and to offer follow-up support as needed. Off-Campus Housing Services provides educational programs, builds relationships with landlords, and meets individually with students who need assistance.

For more information about privately-owned housing options near campus, you can contact Off-Campus Housing Services by email at off-campus@housing.wisc.edu.

Privately owned residence halls

Privately owned residence halls, owned and operated by the private sector, provide a group living situation conducive to meeting other students and to helping ease students into college life. They are located near campus and offer residence-hall and apartment-style arrangements, meal plans, and other amenities. Application procedures and lease agreements vary, and are solely the responsibility of the student renter, not the university, and are legally binding.

Students who sign any rental lease and later decide not to attend UW–Madison (or change their mind) may still be held legally responsible for their lease. UW–Madison cautions against signing two housing contracts/leases; both are binding and students as well as co-signors may be held responsible.

Consult your contract or lease for specific details about your liability if your plans change or if you are not admitted.