Spring travel guidance
Students and employees are strongly encouraged to avoid recreational travel this spring to prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths remain extremely high nationally and people should not travel, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you must travel, learn more about how to reduce the risks before, during and after.
Health and safety
- While larger gatherings are now permitted off campus, remember that masks must be worn and six feet physical distancing maintained in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- A first-of-its kind Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit at UW–Madison Thursday and Friday offers a series of workshops and activities so that students can take a break and care for their mental and physical health. It will be followed by an all-campus “Week of Care” (#TakeCareUW), a grassroots campaign to promote self-care and community wellbeing among UW students, faculty and staff.
Vaccine update
- University Health Services is offering vaccines as quickly as possible to members of the campus community who meet eligibility requirements and as vaccine supply received by the campus permits. UHS will email you when an appointment is available for you – please continue to check your wisc.edu email. Learn more
- Anyone who meets state eligibility may also seek vaccination off campus, through their health care provider or other community providers such as pharmacies. Consult the vaccinator on what documentation you may need.
- Because UHS has not received enough vaccine to offer it immediately to everyone eligible, campus is using prioritization guidelines provided by the state, which consider risk of exposure to COVID-19. We expect UHS will be able to offer all eligible faculty and staff vaccine by late May.
- As of this week, UHS is able to offer appointments to: Faculty, staff and teaching assistants currently engaged in in-person instruction, ages 45 and older; Housing and Dining staff ages 45 and older; all childcare and custodial staff.
How to get help
- If you have a question not addressed by the FAQs, email covidresponse@vc.wisc.edu or call the UW–Madison COVID-19 Assistance Line at (608) 262-7777.
- Please continue to check the COVID-19 Response website for updates.