Self-Quarantine Instructions For Students – 3.27.20

Dear Badger Parents and Families,

We are writing to share a message that went to your students this afternoon. University Health Services has received reports of students returning from Spring Break who have tested positive for COVID-19. As a reminder, if your students traveled, please encourage them to observe a 14-day self-quarantine.

We will continue to update with the latest. Please also reach out with any questions by replying to this email or calling 608-263-2400.

Kind regards,
The UW—Madison Parent and Family Program


Dear students,

I am reaching out to all UW–Madison students who traveled over Spring Break with an urgent health announcement. University Health Services (UHS) has received reports of students returning from Spring Break who have tested positive for COVID-19.

If you traveled for Spring Break, whether or not you have symptoms, it is imperative that you observe a 14-day self-quarantine following these instructions (PDF). You should not report to work nor should you travel to a different location; remain at your current location.

Symptoms of COVID-19 primarily include fatigue, cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Some people will experience other symptoms like sore throat, runny nose, nausea, or headache. If you experience these symptoms, you should follow these instructions for self-isolation (PDF).

If your symptoms are becoming worse or you have questions, please contact your primary care provider or call UHS at 608-265-5600. If you need to seek care in person, you must call in advance to let them know of your symptoms. You may be instructed to remain at home. Due to limited test availability, you are unlikely to be tested for COVID-19, but you should follow all the recommendations of your healthcare provider including isolation for at least seven days from symptom onset and for three days beyond all symptoms resolving.

For more information, including a health FAQ, visit the FAQ page.

G. Patrick Kelly, MD
Interim Medical Director, University Health Services