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Survey Results

According to 368 parents who responded to our online survey question about text-messaging their student, 49% of parents don’t text-message their student, 25% of parents text-message once or twice a month, and 26% of parents text-message their student three or more times a week.

Those parents who do text-message say it’s a quick way to stay in touch. The parents who do not text said that they like to hear their students’ voice, and some said they intend to learn how to text. We appreciate all of your honest feedback!

Please visit the Parent Program Web site to reply to our latest question.

The Parent Program values your opinion!

This new program is here to give you, the parents and families of UW–Madison students, the resources you need to support your student’s success. We look to you for help as we continue to to shape our services. Please call (1-877-262-3977) or e-mail us and tell us what you think!