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Summer Conversations

Although the weeks leading up to the start of the academic year are always busy, it’s important for parents to make time for these important conversations with their students.

Student Involvement: The core philosophy behind the Wisconsin Experience is that students are engaged outside of the classroom in activities that matter. Encourage your student to become an active participant in his or her education with opportunities such as study abroad, volunteering, undergraduate research, or joining one of 700 student organizations.

Safety: Madison is a generally safe community in which to live and work, but it is not immune to the challenges of a growing city, including crime. UW–Madison is aggressive in its safety efforts, offering a full-service, sworn police department, SAFEride and SAFEwalk nighttime transportation programs, lighted walkways, Chimera self-defense and assertiveness training for women, and emergency telephones. Help your student to understand safety issues by discussing risk reduction, reviewing campus resources, and following up on safety matters throughout the semester. For more details, visit the Campus Safety Web site.

Alcohol: Many UW–Madison students choose not to drink alcohol. Hundreds of late-night activities—from attending residence hall events or late-activities at the student union to volunteering on campus or in the community—do not involve drinking. Remind your student that the legal drinking age in Wisconsin is 21, that underage drinking is against the law in Wisconsin, and that it can carry significant legal, academic, and financial consequences.